Part 22: Pretty pony wants to play.
(Author's note: HAHAHAHA I finally found the perfect Spirit picture! You can't hide them from me! MWAHAHAHA! Yeah, I was kind of going for proud and very magestic...but Old Faithful got in the picture. DARNIT. Yeah, Old Faithful, that's the name of the eagle. At least what I call him. And then the three Indian horses ((who I realized actually grew up with Spirit cuz in the first part of the movie they were all in the herd with them? Wha??????)) were Blue Circle, Hoofbeats, and...BUT ENOUGH ABOUT HORSES! Whoa who knew homecoming was on Saturday? Carazy. There's gonna be some beef involved in this story. So cool. Let's get this started, shall we?)
Stolen Movie Plot: "Willow" and "Cinderella Story"
Special Guest Stars: The horse from "Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron" and Chad Micheal Murray (I posted a picture yesterday) and that chick from "Willow" that I could not find a picture of...Maria Holvoe, that's the one

Moxie awoke with a scream. It felt like thousands of tiny little knives were poking into her body. Which, ironically, they were. She looked down to see at least a dozen brownies (for those who are not obsessed with the movie "Willow" or don't read enough fantasy, brownies are short, and I mean short, like 1 inch freaks that are magical and stuffs? In this soap, they are kind of scary and can be bald and they wear fur caps. Oh yeah, and they have French accents.)
"Hey!" She cried indignantly. "Stop poking me!" The midgets screamed and ran away. Moxie nodded.
"That was easy..." A bright orb of light appeared, momentarily blinding her. The orb faded gradually.
"Sorry," It said. "That happens a lot." Moxie groaned.
"I'm talking to an orb."
"What? I'm not an orb. I'm a star. Dur, there's a difference."
"Of course. Hey, where's Natalie?" Moxie looked at her surroundings. She was in a forest (a very foresty forest. I hate describing forests. " was green?") and it was green (-_-). And leafy. And stuff. The French midgets/brownies were no where to be seen, but Natalie was laying right next to her. She was either dead or sleeping. Moxie hoped it was the latter. The orb was talking again.
"Hey, Moxie, I only get 5 minutes on this soap, we're wasting time!" Moxie paused.
"How do you know my name?"
"Because Sean Preston told me. Seaaaaan...Moxie's here!" Sean was in a weird little Indian baby...(descriptive word, descriptive word...) thing (AAAAAAAAGH) babbling happily. (I will now not use the space bar for a whole sentence).
"Himommyouarelookingbeautifulthismorningyessirmommyhowzitgoinohmynatalielookssleepy." Moxie smiled wearily.
"Hello, SP. How are you?"
"Justfantasmicmommy." The orb grew brighter.
"He likes you." Sean laughed.
"Duhshe'smymommy." Moxie coughed.
"Um, Sean? Could you use punctuation and the space bar?" (THANK YOU!)
"Oh, sure mommy." The orb was getting impatient.
"Okay, here's the deal: SP is a prince and he's going to defeat your evil twin sister, but you have to keep him alive and take him to the sorceror Dumbledore. My time's up." She winked and disappeared. Moxie picked up Sean.
"Wow...that was weird." Sean was waving his arms wildly.
"Where's Daddy?" Moxie had forgotten about Victor. Suddenly, the orb appeared again.
"Actually, I didn't tell you EVERYTHING in my 5 minutes of fame: The brownies will be your guides." Moxie waited, but that was it.
"That's it?"
"That's it." She looked at the Frenchies. They sneered back.
"Um, I don't think I want them as my guides." Natalie woke up at that moment and screamed.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAH! RATS!" The brownies grew very offended at this remark. The orb sighed.
"All right, we have one more method of transportation. His name is Spirit, Stallion of the Cinnabon." Natalie smiled.
"Yum, cinnabon...." She fell back asleep. Moxie shook her awake while holding Sean and talking to the Maria Holvoe orb.
"Where do we find him?" Maria sighed.
"Um, duh, at the mall!" Natalie groaned in her sleep.
"NO, not the mall again!" Moxie shook her harder. Natalie woke up and gripped her shoulder.
"Sheez, cruel much." Sean Preston's face filled with rage.
"Shut up, don't talk to my mommy like that." Moxie rolled her eyes.
"Shut up, Sean." She looked up to speak to the Maria orb again, but she was gone. Moxie sighed. "I don't want to have to walk all the way to the stupid mall. We don't even know where we are!"
"Vell, I do!" Both girls (and the baby) turned around. There stood a magnificent buckskin stallion (a Kiger mustang, to be precise: short, but fast AND PRETTY MUCH FLOOPIN AWESOME!), on top of which rode... Victor smiled cockily.
"Check out my new ride." The stallion snorted. "Oh, sorry, Spirit. This is Spirit, Lord of all Equine." Natalie blinked.
"I thought Shadowfax was the Lord of all Equine." Spirit spoke for the first time.
"Please...Shadowfax got nothing on me. See, I can whinny!" He whinnied. "I can count!" He pawed the ground four times. "And, look, girls. This is called trotting!" Victor struggled to hold on. Spirit stopped.
"What are you doing? Let go of my hair! A good rider holds on with his knees!" Victor took a shaky breath.
"Sure. Vell, vhat are you vaiting for? Get on!" Spirit looked at the two girls (and the baby) and shook his head.
"Uh, sorry, but the truck stops here. I cannot carry all of you!" Victor crossed his arms. Moxie stamped her foot.
"Why not!? I don't wanna walk."
"You must. Or ve vill leave and find Shadowfax." Spirit smiled.
"I've got an idea."
Stolen Movie Plot: "Willow" and "Cinderella Story"
Special Guest Stars: The horse from "Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron" and Chad Micheal Murray (I posted a picture yesterday) and that chick from "Willow" that I could not find a picture of...Maria Holvoe, that's the one

Moxie awoke with a scream. It felt like thousands of tiny little knives were poking into her body. Which, ironically, they were. She looked down to see at least a dozen brownies (for those who are not obsessed with the movie "Willow" or don't read enough fantasy, brownies are short, and I mean short, like 1 inch freaks that are magical and stuffs? In this soap, they are kind of scary and can be bald and they wear fur caps. Oh yeah, and they have French accents.)
"Hey!" She cried indignantly. "Stop poking me!" The midgets screamed and ran away. Moxie nodded.
"That was easy..." A bright orb of light appeared, momentarily blinding her. The orb faded gradually.
"Sorry," It said. "That happens a lot." Moxie groaned.
"I'm talking to an orb."
"What? I'm not an orb. I'm a star. Dur, there's a difference."
"Of course. Hey, where's Natalie?" Moxie looked at her surroundings. She was in a forest (a very foresty forest. I hate describing forests. " was green?") and it was green (-_-). And leafy. And stuff. The French midgets/brownies were no where to be seen, but Natalie was laying right next to her. She was either dead or sleeping. Moxie hoped it was the latter. The orb was talking again.
"Hey, Moxie, I only get 5 minutes on this soap, we're wasting time!" Moxie paused.
"How do you know my name?"
"Because Sean Preston told me. Seaaaaan...Moxie's here!" Sean was in a weird little Indian baby...(descriptive word, descriptive word...) thing (AAAAAAAAGH) babbling happily. (I will now not use the space bar for a whole sentence).
"Himommyouarelookingbeautifulthismorningyessirmommyhowzitgoinohmynatalielookssleepy." Moxie smiled wearily.
"Hello, SP. How are you?"
"Justfantasmicmommy." The orb grew brighter.
"He likes you." Sean laughed.
"Duhshe'smymommy." Moxie coughed.
"Um, Sean? Could you use punctuation and the space bar?" (THANK YOU!)
"Oh, sure mommy." The orb was getting impatient.
"Okay, here's the deal: SP is a prince and he's going to defeat your evil twin sister, but you have to keep him alive and take him to the sorceror Dumbledore. My time's up." She winked and disappeared. Moxie picked up Sean.
"Wow...that was weird." Sean was waving his arms wildly.
"Where's Daddy?" Moxie had forgotten about Victor. Suddenly, the orb appeared again.
"Actually, I didn't tell you EVERYTHING in my 5 minutes of fame: The brownies will be your guides." Moxie waited, but that was it.
"That's it?"
"That's it." She looked at the Frenchies. They sneered back.
"Um, I don't think I want them as my guides." Natalie woke up at that moment and screamed.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAH! RATS!" The brownies grew very offended at this remark. The orb sighed.
"All right, we have one more method of transportation. His name is Spirit, Stallion of the Cinnabon." Natalie smiled.
"Yum, cinnabon...." She fell back asleep. Moxie shook her awake while holding Sean and talking to the Maria Holvoe orb.
"Where do we find him?" Maria sighed.
"Um, duh, at the mall!" Natalie groaned in her sleep.
"NO, not the mall again!" Moxie shook her harder. Natalie woke up and gripped her shoulder.
"Sheez, cruel much." Sean Preston's face filled with rage.
"Shut up, don't talk to my mommy like that." Moxie rolled her eyes.
"Shut up, Sean." She looked up to speak to the Maria orb again, but she was gone. Moxie sighed. "I don't want to have to walk all the way to the stupid mall. We don't even know where we are!"
"Vell, I do!" Both girls (and the baby) turned around. There stood a magnificent buckskin stallion (a Kiger mustang, to be precise: short, but fast AND PRETTY MUCH FLOOPIN AWESOME!), on top of which rode... Victor smiled cockily.
"Check out my new ride." The stallion snorted. "Oh, sorry, Spirit. This is Spirit, Lord of all Equine." Natalie blinked.
"I thought Shadowfax was the Lord of all Equine." Spirit spoke for the first time.
"Please...Shadowfax got nothing on me. See, I can whinny!" He whinnied. "I can count!" He pawed the ground four times. "And, look, girls. This is called trotting!" Victor struggled to hold on. Spirit stopped.
"What are you doing? Let go of my hair! A good rider holds on with his knees!" Victor took a shaky breath.
"Sure. Vell, vhat are you vaiting for? Get on!" Spirit looked at the two girls (and the baby) and shook his head.
"Uh, sorry, but the truck stops here. I cannot carry all of you!" Victor crossed his arms. Moxie stamped her foot.
"Why not!? I don't wanna walk."
"You must. Or ve vill leave and find Shadowfax." Spirit smiled.
"I've got an idea."
* * * *
A few minutes later, everyone was riding on Victor's back. (JUST KIDDING. I wish.) That didn't work out so well, so Moxie, Natalie, and Sean Preston rode the Stallion of the Cinnabon while Victor walked.
Even though Spirit claimed to be faster than Shadowfax, he was actually quite slow. Especially carrying two people (AND A BABY!). So the trip to the mall took hours. When they finally got there, Spirit fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth.
"LEAVE ME! LEAVE ME SO I CAN DIE!" Sean Preston looked worried.
"He's not really going to die, is he Daddy?" Victor closed his eyes as if in pain.
"Sure thing, Pops." Victor winced, but ignored it. Natalie pointed wearily.
"There's the Cinnabon!" Spirit grinned.
"I'm finally home! Let's get something to eat." Suddenly, Natalie's cellphone rang.
"Oh. Sorry guys, you go ahead. I've gotta take this." While everyone went to go feast on sugary icing covered deliciousness, Natalie retreated behind the building. "Hello?"
"Hey, Natalie. It's your stalker. I mean, secret admirer. The one you met in that chatroom?" Natalie nodded knowingly.
"Oh yeah. The one that sounds hot speaking French, right?"
"Yep, that's the one." Natalie sighed dreamily.
"Wow...okay, no offense, but I thought you were my ex-boyfriend, but I forgot that he', dead." Her heart sank as she realized Tyler, too, was dead. (NO DUH!!!!! That's kind of why I REPLACED him!) She soon forgot that, though. (Jerk. THen again, they're always telling you to move on?) "So, do I finally get to meet you?" Chad Micheal Murray (OOPS, I MEAN THE SECRET ADMIRER!) smiled on the other end.
"Yeah, there's a Halloween dance at this club and I thought I'd go." How it had suddenly become Halloween, no one on the set knew. Natalie nodded eagerly, even tho he couldn't see.
"Yeah, that would be great!"
"Cool, I'll meet you in the middle of the dance floor at 11:00." He hung up quite abruptly. Natalie shrugged.
"Whatever, at least the costume department gets to make me a dress..." She had been walking while thinking this and accidentally ran into someone. "Oh, sorry." Chad Micheal Murray waved her off.
"Sure, it's fine." Natalie noticed he was eating a cinnamon roll...FROM THE CINNABON. Oh, and french bread.
"NYAAAAARGH!" She grabbed the french bread and ran away. Chad watched her go.
"Hey...I'm on One Tree Hill!" He did a dramatic little One Tree Hill pose and walked away.
(Yeah. Tomorrow: Natalie's dress, and stuff..*snore* DARNIT! I had a really cute dress, but now I can't find one, waah...)
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