Part 18: I'M FULL BLOODED ITALIAN! *shakes head full of blonde hair*
(Author's note: Yeah, when I said tomorrow, I meant NEXT WEEK. Oh well, my bad. So we have an interesting plot twist. It seems Natalie and Moxie have switched bodies. Audience: *boos* Well, sorry! It's not as good as what I have coming...which isn't that good. Darn it. Why is my cpu being EVIL? I don't know... It won't let me look at music videos. Actually, that's just Integrity. *glares* YOU'RE DUMB. And so it must be INTEGRITY that's so dang slow. Load pictures...10 minutes. Load images (WHY DOES THIS ALWAYS GET UNDERLINED? DUMB DUMB DUMB! Oh, that's not underlined. Woopie. BRB, gotta walk the dog. :P cool.
Special Guest Star(s): Natasha Richardson (only implied, so she doesn't get a picture) and Cole and Dylan Sprouse (all possibly becoming new characters.
Stolen Movie Plot: "The Parent Trap"...and something else?
Garbanzo lounged by one of his many outdoor pools at one of six summer houses, even tho it wasn't summer. Ashes lay next to him in an identical lawn chair. Garbanzo smiled Britishly at her.
"I'm so glad you're here. My son..." He looked at the director, confused, for there was White Out on his script. The director shrugged, so he improvised. "My son DOLE," Ashes wrinkled her nose. "Is coming home from summer camp today. I'm sure you'll just love him." Ashes smiled again.
"I love you." She threw her arms around his neck...and admired the ring behind his back. Garbanzo, however, was oblivious to this not so exuberant display of affection, because two short little blonde boys were walking towards him.
"Dole! And...who are you?" Suddenly, he gasped. (shocker there.) "Is that...KRILLIN? MY LONG LOST OTHER SON?" He stood up, throwing Ashes on the ground, and hugged both boys. The squirrelly boys squirmed out of the hug.
"Sorry, Dad, but there's some business we need to take care of." Garbanzo stared at them.
"But...I don't understand!" Krillin shook his head. Dole put his hand out.
"Chill, padre. We just have something to tell you. (Audience: Eh...this didn't happen in the movie.)" The boys looked at each other and said in unison, "You can't marry her." Garbanzo looked over at Ashes, who looked pretty mad. Not mad. Livid, in fact. But the twins didn't seem to notice. Krillin pulled out a picture of another British chick.
"We met at camp and we were forced to live together...well, that's another story. But we found out that we're really long lost twin brothers and that you still love Mom and that she's an evil witch who only wants you for your money." Ashes snarled, which totally did not go with her black and white bikini.
"Vampire, actually, not witch." Dole raised an eyebrow.
"I'm going to assume you're kidding." Garbanzo laughed.
"Boys, Ashes and I love each other. I know that's hard for you to understand, but..." Krillin sighed.
"We didn't want to have to do this, Dad..." Both boys pulled out M-16's. "Really, we are." They aimed at Ashes...
Special Guest Star(s): Natasha Richardson (only implied, so she doesn't get a picture) and Cole and Dylan Sprouse (all possibly becoming new characters.
Stolen Movie Plot: "The Parent Trap"...and something else?

"I'm so glad you're here. My son..." He looked at the director, confused, for there was White Out on his script. The director shrugged, so he improvised. "My son DOLE," Ashes wrinkled her nose. "Is coming home from summer camp today. I'm sure you'll just love him." Ashes smiled again.
"I love you." She threw her arms around his neck...and admired the ring behind his back. Garbanzo, however, was oblivious to this not so exuberant display of affection, because two short little blonde boys were walking towards him.
"Dole! And...who are you?" Suddenly, he gasped. (shocker there.) "Is that...KRILLIN? MY LONG LOST OTHER SON?" He stood up, throwing Ashes on the ground, and hugged both boys. The squirrelly boys squirmed out of the hug.
"Sorry, Dad, but there's some business we need to take care of." Garbanzo stared at them.
"But...I don't understand!" Krillin shook his head. Dole put his hand out.
"Chill, padre. We just have something to tell you. (Audience: Eh...this didn't happen in the movie.)" The boys looked at each other and said in unison, "You can't marry her." Garbanzo looked over at Ashes, who looked pretty mad. Not mad. Livid, in fact. But the twins didn't seem to notice. Krillin pulled out a picture of another British chick.
"We met at camp and we were forced to live together...well, that's another story. But we found out that we're really long lost twin brothers and that you still love Mom and that she's an evil witch who only wants you for your money." Ashes snarled, which totally did not go with her black and white bikini.
"Vampire, actually, not witch." Dole raised an eyebrow.
"I'm going to assume you're kidding." Garbanzo laughed.
"Boys, Ashes and I love each other. I know that's hard for you to understand, but..." Krillin sighed.
"We didn't want to have to do this, Dad..." Both boys pulled out M-16's. "Really, we are." They aimed at Ashes...
* * * *
Victor looked at both girls, who were now sobbing uncontrollably.
"Vell..." He said, running a hand over his very short hair. "This is awkvard." Moxie who was really Natalie (now referred to as Natalie/Moxie) threw the rest of the fortune cookies at the waiter, who looked a lot like Warren Peace BUT DOESN'T GET A PICTURE CUZ I'M TIRED GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH. Moxie/Natalie was trying to pull out her own hair.
"EWWWW THIS IS SO GROSS, I'M A BRUNETTE!" Natalie/Moxie glared at her.
"There's nothing wrong with being a brunette." Moxie/Natalie started sobbing.
"WAAAAAAH NOW I'M ALL BRAINY AND NOT BLONDE AND BEAUTIFUL!" Natalie/Moxie put her hands on her hips.
"I beg your pardon!" Victor stepped between the two of them.
"GIRLS! Control yourselves! Ve need to remain calm." He could see this wasn't working. "I guess ve need some more ice cream, no?" The girls nodded, still giving each other death glares.
While sitting in the now clean car (Natalie had magically cleaned it before switching bodies with her best friend), they ate more Ben and Jerry's (Victor seemed to have an endless supply). Moxie/Natalie put down her spoon in defeat.
"So am I going to be a brunette forever?" Natalie/Moxie scowled.
"I hope not." Victor gave them both a warning look and swallowed another bite of Munky. Suddenly, he started choking. Moxie/Natalie threw her arms around his middle.
"No, I'm fine, it's just..." He put a finger to his lips and pointed. Mary-Kate's purple bug sat not too far away in another parking spot. Natalie/Moxie looked around.
"But...then where's Mary-Kate?" Mary-Kate suddenly appeared, smashed up against the dashboard window, smiling evilly.
"I'm baaaaaaaa-aaaaaaack..." She said in a nasal voice. Everyone (including Victor) screamed. Victor started the car immediately and backed up, almost hitting someone else. Mary-Kate hung on for dear life. Trying another tactic, Victor sped towards the curb. He hit it and Mary-Kate flew off. Moxie and Natalie hit their heads on the ceiling.
"Ouch," said Moxie, rubbing her blonde hair. Natalie's eyes widened.
"YOU'RE BLONDE AGAIN! THANK YOU GOD!" She turned to Victor. "THANK YOU FOR THAT CRAPPY DRIVING!" She would have hugged him, but Moxie looked slightly possessive. Victor didn't look happy.
"We need to get out of here." Moxie smiled.
"Why what could happen?" Victor pointed.
"That?" The five members of Simple Plan had their car surrounded. Pierre was grinning up a storm.
"Hi there...." Everyone screamed.
(That really stunk. That stunk like a lot. I STINK. Tomorrow: I'll think of something...)
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