A Soap Opera for the Extremely Bored

I'm bored and I want a piece of cake. So I was like, Hey how bouts a new blog? One that's not about my sometimes-emo life? And where I can put pictures of celebrities and say they're original characters I thought up? Hm, sounds tempting... Tune in every day for guest stars and stolen plots from different movies/books/etc.

Location: George, Washington, United States

You're reading the blog of an angsty teenage girl living in the United States. Congratulations.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Part 17: Let's go out for dinner. My fortune: you. Your fortune: me.

(Author's note: I swear, that's actually in the game of Romance. Which is a gay game. BUT ANYWAYS. Mary-Kate is being a scary serial killer now. OH YES, I need a picture of her. Anyways, while that’s loading up, Crumb gave Natalie and Moxie ice cream cuz they were all depressed about Tyler being…um…dead. But the weird thing is I’m not that sad about it? Maybe it’s because I know things that I don’t know yet…wait. That didn’t make any sense. SERIOUSLY, like Kenny! I was wearing my camo, “Ha! I can see you, but you can’t see me,” shirt and Kenny’s like, “That doesn’t even make sense.” Whatever. It’s CAMOFLAUGE, you moron. BUT ANYWAYS. So…um…yes…well…TOTALLY SKY HIGH TODAY. Well, not totally. BUT KIND OF. WOOOOOOOOOO! So yeah?)
Stolen Movie Plot: "SKY HIGH"!!!! Oh, and "Freaky Friday". And we have a magical car chase... Kinda. No picture of that, I WORK TOO HARD ALREADY. *sniff*

Crumb wiped some sweat off his forehead. Natalie looked behind them. A scary purple VW Bug was following them.
"Um, no pressure, Victor, but I think that's Mary-Kate." Crumb groaned. Moxie was still shoveling her face with Phish Food. Natalie glared at her.
"MOXIE! How can you eat at a time like this?" Moxie swallowed a Phish.
"At a time like what?" Crumb sighed.
"I think I feel a car chase coming on." He swerved sharply to the left. Moxie spilled the ice cream all over her front.
"Great! Now I have to buy ANOTHER outfit." Crumb shook his head.
"I'm sure your friend can lend you some clothes. I'll wash these." Moxie stared at him.
"No way...YOU CAN WASH CLOTHES? WOO, DREAM DATE!" The car got very silent after that last remark... The purple bug was still following them. Natalie glimpsed Mary-Kate through the back window. Mary-Kate was using words even an amateur lip reader could figure out. Crumb floored it. Moxie and Natalie hung on for dear life. There was ice cream all over the interior, but Crumb didn't seem to care. Finally, it seemed they had lost Mary-Kate. Natalie sighed with relief.
"May I ask why you freaked out back there, Victor?" Crumb gulped.
"I've had many bad experiences with Mary-Kate. And please, I vould like it if you called me Crumb." Moxie looked around at the vanilla washed car.
"Um...sorry about this. We're totally gonna wash your car for you." Crumb shook his head.
"Don't vorry. I vill clean it. You don't have to."
"But I want to. Because you gave us ice cream and everything and we totally trashed your car...AND NOW YOU'RE TAKING US OUT TO DINNER? IT'S NOT EVEN NOON!" Crumb smiled.
"Correction: I am taking you out to lunch!" He helped Moxie out of the car. Natalie sat back with a sigh. The two didn't even seem to notice she was there.
"Okay," she called. "I'll just sit here."

* * * *
Moxie twirled a bunch of noodles around her plate.
"This is really fun," she said to no one in particular. Crumb smiled.
"You are not like other girls. You do not make fun of me." Moxie shrugged.
"Maybe that's because most girls don't know you go to an all-girl's school. I meant, don't CARE if you go to an all-girls school!" An awkward silence ensued. "Wonton?" Crumb took the offered wonton.
"I am saying that..." He stopped. Obviously he didn't really know what he was saying. Moxie suddenly sighed. Crumb looked up worriedly.
"Vhat is the matter?" Moxie shook her head.
"Look at this menu." Crumb looked at it. There was an advertisement for Garbanzo's new clothing line. Garbanzo himself stood sprawled in a model pose, taking up half the page. Crumb glanced at it.
"This picture...it makes you sad?" Moxie nodded. "Vhy is that?" Moxie took a deep breath.
"I like that guy." Crumb looked slightly crestfallen, but got over it quickly.
"Then vhy don't you tell him?" Moxie shrugged again.
"He likes somebody else and she's...perfect." Crumb considered this.
"Vell, vhat I think is that to let true love remain unspoken is the quickest route to a heavy heart." Moxie gaped at him.
"Wow...that is soooo deep." Crumb smiled.
"Yes. And your lucky numbers are 14, 8, 7, 29, and 50." Moxie laughed. Natalie came up to their table, interrupting their romantic moment.
"Okay, Victor, I finished cleaning out your car. Hey, look, fortune cookies!" She and Moxie both took one. Suddenly, the walls started shaking and both girls fell over. Crumb got up and helped Moxie to her feet, leaving Natalie on the floor. Natalie scowled.
"Gee, thanks, Victor." She had Moxie's voice. Crumb started and dropped Moxie. Moxie fell back with a scream.
"Thanks a bunch, singing partner!" Suddenly, they realized what was going on. Moxie (who was really Natalie) gasped.
(The plot thickens...yada yada yada. LOL THAT WAS AN AWESOME LAME CAR CHASE! Not. G2g. Tomorrow: Both girls attempt to switch bodies and a new plot twist occurs...)


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