Part 13: A Big Musical Number in which Tyler DOES sing, and the promised cage match seems to be absent
(Author's note: Wow. Long title. YES, I'm actually going to go through with it and write today's. Cuz I have an okay idea. That involves the Olsen twins. But not "New York Minute". Which I'm sure all of you are extremely pleased about. Hehehe. But yeah. Sooooooo... OOOH I wanna show you my TMNT picture. And I need to find a picture of that chick from High School Musical. *sigh* A writer's job is never done.)
Stolen Movie Plot: "High School Musical" and "Barbie Nutcracker" (there's line from it, but I thought it would be funny.)
Special Guest Star(s): Alyson Reed (no photo) and I FINALLY have a TMNT PICTURE! Well, it’s not really a TMNT picture. But it’s the best I could do. On Paint. Yeah. Oh well. They might appear…sometime. And Mary-Kate. Olsen. Haha, like there’s another one BUT ANYWAYS. She doesn’t get a picture cuz she looks just like Ashley.
The three of them ran through the streets of New York, avoiding drunk taxi drivers and men with Slurpees (don't ask). Elmo wasn't even following them anymore, but they ran anyway. Finally, unable to run any longer, Tyler pointed.
Stolen Movie Plot: "High School Musical" and "Barbie Nutcracker" (there's line from it, but I thought it would be funny.)
Special Guest Star(s): Alyson Reed (no photo) and I FINALLY have a TMNT PICTURE! Well, it’s not really a TMNT picture. But it’s the best I could do. On Paint. Yeah. Oh well. They might appear…sometime. And Mary-Kate. Olsen. Haha, like there’s another one BUT ANYWAYS. She doesn’t get a picture cuz she looks just like Ashley.

"Look," he said in while gasping for breath. "It's the college Mary-Kate and Ashley go to!" Natalie frowned.
"It is?" Tyler shrugged.
"Um, I dunno, I was just saying that cuz..."
"Never mind... I was hoping I'd get lucky." Moxie's ears perked up at the word "lucky".
"I have an idea..." She beckoned for the others to follow her. They walked into the university and almost got run over by two fidgety bug-eyed youths. One of the youths pointed at Natalie.
"hEy! I wAnT wHaT yOu'Re On!!!" Natalie frowned.
"You want my Skittles?" Tyler shoved her out of the way and glared at the youths (that is SO much fun to say! Youths...). They recoiled in horror.
"uH...sOrRy MiStEr TaLl GuY!" They ran away screaming. Natalie looked at Tyler adoringly.
"That was very noble of you." (LOL!) Tyler shrugged.
"Um...sure." This casual response ruined the almost romantic and very tense moment. The two of them shrugged of the noble feelings and followed Moxie, who was walking like there was no tomorrow.
Moxie lead them inside the school's auditorium. It appeared students were trying out for some sort of musical. Right now a nervous lad (I LOVE THESE WORDS! Youths...lads...) wearing an ugly tweed suit and a horrible red and white tie was singing extremely off-key. Tyler winced.
"Even I sing better than that." The girls gawked at him.
"Um, can sing better than anybody..." Tyler shrugged.
"Which proves my point." They thought about that. Sadly, he was right. Suddenly, they both heard a voice and looked around to see the source. A blonde woman wearing glasses and billowy hippie clothes was sitting at a desk surrounding by empty coffee mugs eating French bread.
"Well, Donald that was...that's a lovely tie you're wearing. NEXT!" The tweedy boy limped dejectedly off the stage. Mary-Kate Olsen stepped on all preppy like, wearing ugly Bohemian clothes like she tends to do. The blonde woman shook her head sadly.
"Mary-Kate, Mary-Kate... What am I going to do with you?" Mary-Kate smiled impishly.
"You could give me the part." Her voice seemed higher than usual. Moxie narrowed her eyes.
"I bet she's under some kind of curse. What?" She asked as the others stared at her, their expressions saying, "I truly hope you're kidding." "It happened in Harry Potter!!!" Mary-Kate took a pair of drumsticks out of her ugly Bohemian back pocket.
"I am going to do a drum solo because I learned to play drums to star in 'New York Minute' and I will also sing cuz I've sung at least one song in every movie I've ever been in with my sister!" She started playing and singing.
It's hard to believe that I couldn't see you were always right beside me,
Thought I was alone with no one to hold,
But you were always right beside me.
This feeling's like no other. I want you to know....
That I've never had someone that knows me like you do, the way you do.
I've never had someone as good for me as you, no one like you.
So lonely before, I finally found.....what I was looking fooooorrrr...
Tyler was sad that he'd only winced once. Moxie had winced several times looking at Mary-Kate's horrible outfit. But they all had to admit she was pretty good. The blonde woman took another sip of coffee.
"Thank you, Miss Olsen. Now we have the pairs audition." Silence. Crickets started chirping. Natalie wiped away a tear.
" looks like no one's going to try out." She didn't know why she was so sad. After what seemed like a lifetime, Miss Reedarbus (it works...) stood up.
"No pairs? All right. I guess you and your forty year old boyfriend get the part, Mary-Kate." Mary-Kate clapped hippie like. Tyler suddenly popped up.
"I'd like to audition, Miss Reedarbus." Natalie was shocked...not only that he wanted to audition, but that he knew the blonde woman's name. Miss Reedarbus shook her head.
"I'm sorry, Mr....Mr..."
"Um, Tyler."
"I'm sorry, Mr. Tyler, but I called for the pairs auditions, and you didn't answer. Besides, you have no one to sing with you." Natalie sighed and raised her hand.
"I'll sing with her...him." Miss Reedarbus raised her eyebrows.
"Ms. Natalie...I'm surprised. I remember when you graduated here at age 14. Used to love basketball, didn't'cha?" Natalie nodded eagerly. "I hate basketball." Natalie stopped nodding. Suddenly, she went stiff. An odd picture was going through her mind...
"We're going to mess up, we're going to mess up, we're going to mess up,"
"Shut up, Tyler."
"What, we are! And if we do, Elmo said he was going to kill us."
"We're not going to mess up." She took his hand. Which just made the moment more awkward. Tyler took his hand back.
"That's MY hand! You already have two!" Natalie sighed.
"Just know, Tyler, that...I believe in you." Heroic music started playing. It stopped as Tyler said, "That was the corniest thing I think anyone has ever said to me. And my dad was thought to be a fictional character from the 1950's. So I have had many corny things said to me..."
"Just shut up, Tyler." The curtain rose. The audience clapped. The two of them walked on the stage and...
Natalie's premonition ended with the usual hint in bold black letters: IF YOU TRY OUT FOR THIS MUSICAL, YOU WILL NOT ONLY GET THE PART, BUT WILL SAVE THE ENTIRE WORLD FROM AN EVIL CANADIAN MAN AND HALEY JOEL OSMENT. The last part was kind of weird. Natalie shrugged it off. Tyler was thinking. He'd missed what everyone else had mistaken for a seizure.
"So you went to this college however long ago?" Natalie nodded.
"Yeah...Barnard college...and I only graduated four years ago." Tyler started at that.
"FOUR YEARS? You're 18?" Natalie nodded.
"My parents made me start kindergarden when I was two...and I skipped a couple I finished a bit early." Tyler was still stuck on the fact that she was 18.
"Um...well then...I'm 21, so I don't know how this is going to work out..." They had forgotten about Miss Reedarbus. The exasperated drama teacher sighed loudly.
"Are you two going to audition or not?" The two of them nodded enthusiastically. "All right then. Go over by Kelsi, the piano player." They went over to Kelsi. Nuff said. Natalie peered closely at the girl wearing the brown suit with matching bowler.
"'re not Kelsi!" The girl drew a finger to her lips.
"SHHHHHHH! Kelsi couldn't come today. She's in the hospital. But don't tell Miss R." Tyler's face showed concern.
"Why is she in the hospital?" The piano player plunked a key on the piano angrily.
"Jerk stole my boyfriend." And that was that. Suddenly, loud scary music that sounded vaguely familiar started blasting from speakers. Kelsi-who-was-not-Kelsi wasn't even playing. Two mics were shoved into Tyler and Natalie's hands. They looked at each other. Niether of them knew the song that was playing. It turned out to be a song from "Jonah: A Veggietales Movie". Tyler gulped. Natalie gulped. This did not bode well.
That paint picture seriously impresses me!
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lol thanks it's amazing what you can do with circles and a mouse
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