A Soap Opera for the Extremely Bored

I'm bored and I want a piece of cake. So I was like, Hey how bouts a new blog? One that's not about my sometimes-emo life? And where I can put pictures of celebrities and say they're original characters I thought up? Hm, sounds tempting... Tune in every day for guest stars and stolen plots from different movies/books/etc.

Location: George, Washington, United States

You're reading the blog of an angsty teenage girl living in the United States. Congratulations.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Can't you just go somewhere on vacation?

Can I just not post today?
Yeah, I don't even really care what you think.
Tomorrow: whatever I said would happen today.
But if tomorrow is today, then today's yesterday will be yesterday's today and the soap opera still won't be done!
Sure it will...


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