Part 9: Dance...RIVERdance...
(Author's note: Hey, how was your weekend? Bleh, I'm tired and me don't wanna go to school. But I've said that like...86 times. SO ANYWAYS. I've got a good one for today...kind of. I'm not exactly sure of what I'm going to do. It involves Fall Out Boy and a shocking identity. Or not. That's probably later. And I realized I should've put Joel from Good Charlotte as the special guest for whatever part that was. SORRY JOEL. But anyways. I'm eating a Snickers. <:D Do carry on.)
Stolen Movie Plot: uh...I dunno. Original maybe?
Special Guest Stars: Pierre Bouvier from Simple Plan (sorry his pic’s so tiny!) and Fall Out Boy, but mainly Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy (sorry his pic’s so huge!).

Tyler banged his head against the wall. Wilbo's party was not turning out like he had hoped. For one thing, the short middle-aged man had invited Fall Out Boy to play at the club they were at. Tyler had barely survived a rousing chorus of "Sugar, We're Going Down". Now they were expecting him to get down during "Dance, Dance".
"Well, I'm not going to," he said to no one in particular. "I can't dance." Little did he realize he'd been standing right next to the stage. Pete from Fall Out Boy glared at him.
"What a jerk." He started playing his bass extra loud.
She says she's no good with words but I'm worse
Barely stuttered out "A joke of a romantic" or stuck to my tongue
Weighed down with words too over-dramatic
Moxie ran over and jumped on Tyler's shoulders for no particular reason.
"Tyler, isn't this AWESOME?" Tyler groaned in reply. Moxie shook him.
"Hello? How can you not be having fun? I mean, look! THERE'S PETE FROM FALL OUT BOY!" Pete heard her and waved. Moxie screamed. "PETE JUST WAVED AT ME!" Pierre Bouvier, AKA SPIKEY (just PRETENDING to be underage so he might get carded so he might be enlisted by Ashes, all part of his evil elaborate plan...but more on that later), gave Pete the secret signal (and that's basically all the special guest starring he's going to do today, folks). Pete nodded. He jumped off the stage and landed next to Moxie.
"Hey..." He ran his fingers through his hair, since girls seem to find this so attractive. "Um..." Charm seemed to fail him. He didn't know exactly how he was going to talk to this girl. Natalie suddenly came over.
"Hey, Moxie, I've been looking for you." She smiled at Pete. "Hi, we're going to leave, sorry, please leave my best friend alone." The two girls retreated to the bathroom, leaving a very offended Pete (who offered a "What a jerk," in their direction) and very tortured Tyler. Once the bathroom door was closed behind them (blaah this is soooo boring...i guess I lied when I said this would be good -_- *snoring*), Natalie turned to her friend.
"Stay away from Pete, he's a creep." Moxie nodded.
" know this how..."
"Like I said...there's a lot of things you don't know about me." Moxie took her best friend's advice to heart and walked out the door. Pete appeared suddenly (ooh, magic).
"Hey." Moxie screamed.
"AAAAH, creep!" She threw someone's drink at him. The drinker looked at his empty hand.
"Didn't I have a drink there...I'm so confused." Pierre glared at Pete from the ceiling.
"You're such a loser, Pete." Pete jumped.
"AAAAAGH!" Then he looked up. "What are you doing up there?"
"Staying away from you." (a la Spiderman) He jumped down. "Now Moxie's not going anywhere with you." Pete ran his fingers through his hair, AGAIN, even tho there were no girls in sight.
"We're in SOOOO much trouble. Ashes is going to kill us." Pierre suddenly smiled.
"Nooo...I have an idea..."
Stolen Movie Plot: uh...I dunno. Original maybe?
Special Guest Stars: Pierre Bouvier from Simple Plan (sorry his pic’s so tiny!) and Fall Out Boy, but mainly Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy (sorry his pic’s so huge!).

Tyler banged his head against the wall. Wilbo's party was not turning out like he had hoped. For one thing, the short middle-aged man had invited Fall Out Boy to play at the club they were at. Tyler had barely survived a rousing chorus of "Sugar, We're Going Down". Now they were expecting him to get down during "Dance, Dance".
"Well, I'm not going to," he said to no one in particular. "I can't dance." Little did he realize he'd been standing right next to the stage. Pete from Fall Out Boy glared at him.
"What a jerk." He started playing his bass extra loud.
She says she's no good with words but I'm worse
Barely stuttered out "A joke of a romantic" or stuck to my tongue
Weighed down with words too over-dramatic
Moxie ran over and jumped on Tyler's shoulders for no particular reason.
"Tyler, isn't this AWESOME?" Tyler groaned in reply. Moxie shook him.
"Hello? How can you not be having fun? I mean, look! THERE'S PETE FROM FALL OUT BOY!" Pete heard her and waved. Moxie screamed. "PETE JUST WAVED AT ME!" Pierre Bouvier, AKA SPIKEY (just PRETENDING to be underage so he might get carded so he might be enlisted by Ashes, all part of his evil elaborate plan...but more on that later), gave Pete the secret signal (and that's basically all the special guest starring he's going to do today, folks). Pete nodded. He jumped off the stage and landed next to Moxie.
"Hey..." He ran his fingers through his hair, since girls seem to find this so attractive. "Um..." Charm seemed to fail him. He didn't know exactly how he was going to talk to this girl. Natalie suddenly came over.
"Hey, Moxie, I've been looking for you." She smiled at Pete. "Hi, we're going to leave, sorry, please leave my best friend alone." The two girls retreated to the bathroom, leaving a very offended Pete (who offered a "What a jerk," in their direction) and very tortured Tyler. Once the bathroom door was closed behind them (blaah this is soooo boring...i guess I lied when I said this would be good -_- *snoring*), Natalie turned to her friend.
"Stay away from Pete, he's a creep." Moxie nodded.
" know this how..."
"Like I said...there's a lot of things you don't know about me." Moxie took her best friend's advice to heart and walked out the door. Pete appeared suddenly (ooh, magic).
"Hey." Moxie screamed.
"AAAAH, creep!" She threw someone's drink at him. The drinker looked at his empty hand.
"Didn't I have a drink there...I'm so confused." Pierre glared at Pete from the ceiling.
"You're such a loser, Pete." Pete jumped.
"AAAAAGH!" Then he looked up. "What are you doing up there?"
"Staying away from you." (a la Spiderman) He jumped down. "Now Moxie's not going anywhere with you." Pete ran his fingers through his hair, AGAIN, even tho there were no girls in sight.
"We're in SOOOO much trouble. Ashes is going to kill us." Pierre suddenly smiled.
"Nooo...I have an idea..."
* * * *
Tyler went outside to get away from Fall Out Boy. It was a nice night. The air was cool and fresh and... What was that? He thought. A dark figure had disappeared around the corner. Even tho this was a total "DON'T GO AROUND THAT CORNER" moment, he did it, anyway. And got hit on the head by the dark figure.
(AAAAAAAGH sorry that was so horrible. Maybe tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow: Wilbo reveals a SECRET and Tyler finds out who his captors REALLY are. Like you don't already know. Or think you know. But I know that you know that I know I don't. And you don't either. Hahahaha.)
Man this is dumb. Your feet stink.
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