Aaaaaaaaaah, it's ELMO! This is Natalie's ex and now STALKER. He plays a very important part in this film. Soap. Blog.

This is Garbanzo, famous Italian supermodel (hahaha we all know he's not Italian...and garbanzo is probably not an Italian word...), who's marrying Ashes. He's also the guy Moxie Crimefighter happens to be madly in love with.

This is Moxie Crimefighter (right), lol I totally stole that name off Penn's (of Penn and Teller) daughter, and her evil twin sister Ashes, who is marrying Garbanzo. Moxie is our resident dumb blonde. (I had to use some stereotype. I was going to cast Hilary Duff, but wouldn't that be typecasting. But AJ was perfect. And Aly was perfect for the evil twin cuz I don't LIKE HER.)

Gaaah I downloaded these in the wrong order oh well you'll READ this in the wrong order. Here we have Tyler, the most amazing character ever. Is quite skilled in all areas, even singing (:O SHOCKER). But that is his hidden talent. Yes, he's very ashamed of it.

And here we have the lovely Natalie, our main character, she likes french bread.
So I hope you like my pretty stellar (haha or not so stellar) soap, first "episode" tomorrow.
Aren't you going to be in it?
Just be glad your not in it. But it's pretty cool you have a picture of Jason (I know it's "Tyler") on your blog. Has Jason looked on either blog?
wth that's not jason, crack for brains. and no, probably not. what happened to stealth mode?
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