Part 24: w00t w00t!!! Four fstars! ALLITERATION!
(Author's note: HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY what's up, I'm actually WRITING today? I went all Mad-Eye Moody and thought someone poisoned my sandwhich. *shrug* OH WELL. I'm eating it now with mozzerella. Ew, not that gross natural stuff, it has to be processed or I won't eat it. GIVE ME FAKE FOOD OR GIVE ME DEATH! Yeah! So um...however long ago I wrote...Moxie and Victor find they've gone on a useless quest and that Dumbledore is really Sean Preston's dad and I'm stalling cuz I don't want to do the little Cinderella story sequence. LAME. Trying to be exceedingly witty...NOT WORKING! I'll try to pull something off today.)
Stolen Movie Plot: Uh...............I really don't know. SHOCKER THERE! Not my fault, I met yet ANOTHER TYLER! And Tyler was being Hobo Man today. Emotionally distressing is what it is. OMG I'M SO DOING A HARRY POTTER FILM FOR THE HECK OF IT!
Special Guest Stars: Here we have them...FEAST YOUR EYES!

Dang, I can't find a picture of Wayne Knight as "Mr. Blik", even tho I was hoping for Major Pepperidge...bubbity boo. And we also have (no pictures cuz I'm busy) Jackie Chan, and Swedish Chef (from the Muppets)
Everyone continued to stare at the squirmy baby. Dumbledore coughed.
"Well...this is awkward." Victor was staring at the child that minutes before had called him "daddy".
"Yes...very awkvard." Glinda smiled USING AN ADJECTIVE OTHER THAN AWKWARD!!!-ly.
"I guess that means your quest is done." Sean Preston was waiting impatiently for Dumbledore to pick him up. Dumbledore took the baby gingerly.
"Well, I shall see you all. But must pick your dragons." The trio jumped.
"What dragons?" Natalie raised an eyebrow suspiciously. (WHAT'S WITH ALL THE ADVERBS?)
"This sounds a lot like something out of a Harry Potter movie." Dumbledore shrugged.
"Hey, I don't write the episodes, I just star in them." Moxie looked around.
"Weren't there four competitors in the book? I" She added, hoping to avoid the proud director's wrath. Fireworks started going off. James Brown started singing like in that one Rocky movie. Victor perked up.
"Apollo Creed?" Suddenly, James Brown was replaced by Lion King music. Natalie screamed and covered her eyes.
"IT'S ELTON JOHN!!!!!" A dark figure stepped through the fog in the fog machine. All three of them screamed.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Lord Voldemort appeared in front of them, smiling like he always does so he looks like a piece of poo. He grinned pooishly.
"SURPRISE!" Everyone standing in front of the Cinnabon breathed a sigh of relief. Moxie spoke first.
"Oh, thank goodness. We thought it was someone REALLY scary!" Voldemort did not look impressed.
"What are you talking abou- Awww, COME ON!" He turned to look at James Brown and Elton John. "Am I really not that scary?" The two music legends looked at each other and started laughing. Voldemort hung his head in defeat. Dumbledore cleared his throat.
"If you would all pay attention and please take part in the useless and unnecessary scene the author added just cuz she didn't want to think of some more PLOT..." Everyone snapped to attention. Dumbledore held out a velvet bag Sean had been trying to play with. "Take one." Victor dove into the bag greedily and pulled out...
"Aw, I get the Chinese Fireball." Moxie picked the Swedish one. (I'm low on HP knowledge). Voldie got the Welsh one. Natalie groaned.
"That leaves the Hungarian Horntail." The four champions looked around.
"So where are the dragons?"
"HIYAAAAAAAAA!" Jackie Chan popped out of nowhere, holding nunchucks. Victor hid behind Moxie.
"AAAAAAAAGH! What are you doing here?" Jackie rolled his eyes.
"Duh...I'm a Chinese Fireball." Victor nodded.
"Riiiiiiiiight..." A great fight ensued.
(WOW THAT WAS LIKE WORST STORY OF ALL TIME!!!!!! YAAAAAY ME! Not even worth reading. Blah. THERE GOES MY CAREER! DOWN THE DRAIN! Oh well, I could always be a teacher. *bleh* NOT! Tomorrow: WHO WINS? Dance, maybe. I DON'T KNOW!)
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